Feathers (Fiction)

(This post has been imported from an old blog of mine.)

I opened the door to my room, entered, threw my backpack on the floor, kicked the door shut, and fell to my bed. I lay face-down for a minute, thinking about how my day went, wondering if the school had called my parents yet for ditching half my classes again.

They hadn’t said anything to me when I came in, but that really didn’t mean anything. They were probably too mad to say anything to me about it. I’d really hear it from them later though, I knew that for sure.

I got up again, feeling the slight rush of fresh air after being buried in a pillow. I looked down at my bed, at the small feather laying there. At first I wasn’t sure how to react. Some times were good, some bad.

I started looking around my room, to see if anything was missing or out of place. I had cleaned up pretty well, so this had to mean someone had been in here. I double-checked the window, there was no way some random bird had gotten in.

The last time had only been earlier today, what was this for? Did someone come in here while I was being distracted? Or were they coming after me again this evening? Was it from my friends, or from those who tried to kill my friends?

I thought they didn’t know me – or at least if they did, they had left me alone. I hadn’t done anything to them. I barely knew they existed. It was only when- I stopped myself, shuddering at the thought. No one should die that way.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by the window breaking and a large stone flying into the side of my head. Everything went blurry, and for a moment I didn’t know who I was or what I was. I felt dizzy.. Had ice water been thrown down the side of my face?

I managed to stand up after a minute, and backed into the door to my room. I stumbled to the side and pulled it open. I made it down the hallway and into the bathroom. The mirror showed blood streaming down my face, staining my shirt.

Then everything went black.

Posted on 2012-07-24 in Fiction